Pouring digitalized innovation Brew Competitions

Elevate your brewing journey with seamless participant entries, advanced judging tools, and a digital realm where every brew competes for excellence.

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Elevate Brews, Redefine Competitions


What you get with Breward

Your ultimate digital hub for beer competitions.

Digitalization of Processes

Breward offers digital tools for organizers, participants, and judges.

Intuitive Judging

Judging tools designed for easy and effective beer evaluations.

Easy Brew Submission

Simple registration of beers for competitions, effortlessly handled by participants.

Versatile Competition Management

Organizers can flexibly handle various aspects of competitions.

Easy Communication

Effective communication channels among participants, judges, and organizers.

Customizable Style Descriptions

Tailor style descriptions to match the unique characteristics of each competition, allowing for a personalized and informative experience.

Tools for everyone

Organizers, judges and participants.

Organizer Toolkit

Empowering Competitions, Elevating Experiences.

Effortless Competition Configuration

Streamline the process of setting up new competitions and managing successive editions with an intuitive dashboard, allowing organizers to define competition details, style descriptions, and entry fees.

Judging Simplified

Simplify the judging process by assigning entries to judges and managing judging tables seamlessly.

Results Management

Gain complete control over results management, from handling elimination rounds to selecting entries for Grand Prix consideration.

Judge Features

Elevating Evaluation, Ensuring Precision.

Streamlined Judging Assignments

Simplify the judging experience by effortlessly assigning entries, managing judging schedules, and enhancing communication between judges and organizers.

Intuitive Digital Scoresheets

Access user-friendly digital scoresheets, enabling judges to evaluate entries with precision, provide detailed feedback, and contribute to a seamless competition process.

Efficient Feedback Loop

Facilitate a responsive feedback loop between judges and participants, fostering a collaborative environment for continuous improvement and an elevated competition experience.

Participant Experience

Brew, Compete, and Celebrate Success.

Effortless Entry Submission

Seamlessly submit entries, track their status, and stay informed about competition results with an intuitive and user-friendly participant interface.

Transparent Judging Insights

Gain valuable insights into the judging process, view scoresheets, and receive personalized feedback, creating an enriching experience for every participant.

Interactive Competition Hub

Engage with fellow participants, organizers, and judges through an interactive platform, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie within the brewing competition.

Breward Competition Management Journey

Step 1: Create a Competition

Use the intuitive interface to create a new competition. Define details such as scoresheet schema, style descriptions, deadlines, and entry fees.

Step 2: Manage Entries

Accept participant entries, track their statuses, and efficiently handle them by allocating samples to judges and configuring judging sessions.

Step 3: Judge with Precision

Assign judging tasks to judges, providing them access to digital scoresheets for a streamlined and effective evaluation of each entry.

Step 4: Results Management

After assessments are complete, organizers have complete control over result management, from eliminations to selecting winners. Utilize tools for transparent podium assignments.

Step 5: Deliver Participant Experiences

Ensure participants have a clear understanding of the process, access to results, and individual judge feedback, creating an inspiring and satisfying competition experience.


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Efficiency Arsenal

Streamlined Processes and Dynamic Tools

Tailoring Evaluation Criteria

Craft personalized judging metrics to align with the nuances of each competition, providing a bespoke framework for assessing entries.

Crafting Style Guidelines

Develop comprehensive and detailed style descriptions, capturing the essence of each beer category for a richer competition experience.

Live Insights, Real-time Control

Stay informed with a dynamic dashboard, offering real-time updates on competition metrics, participant activities, and judging progress.

Ensuring Stylistic Integrity

Implement a robust system to evaluate entries' adherence to defined style characteristics, ensuring fairness and accuracy in competition judging.

Empowering Judges with Insights

Provide judges with detailed feedback on their assessments, fostering a continuous improvement loop and enhancing the quality of future evaluations.

Seamless Transaction Experience

Facilitate secure and hassle-free payments within the platform, streamlining the entry fee process for participants and organizers alike.

Efficient Tools for Competition Flow

Utilize a suite of tools designed to optimize and streamline various aspects of the competition, ensuring smooth logistics, effective management, and an overall enhanced competition experience.

Seamless Participant Interaction

Foster effective communication channels between organizers and participants, facilitating announcements, updates, and a sense of community within the competition.

Tailored Submission Experience

Create personalized entry forms, allowing organizers to gather specific information from participants, ensuring a tailored and comprehensive submission process.


Start right now

Explore Breward's intuitive features and streamline your competition journey.